Church Leadership

The governing body of a local United Methodist Church is the church Council, made up of elected members and committee chairs. Generally the Board meets once a month and receives reports from the Trustee Committee, which oversees the building, non-liquid assets, the church parsonage, the grounds maintenance, and other items. The Board will also receive reports from the Committee on Finance, the Staff-Parish relations committee, which handles human resources and other committees as issues arise. Generally there are committees on Education, Worship, Communications and special project committees as well.

Beyond the Board, there is a District Superintendent, who is appointed to assist churches in his or her district in a variety of ways. The District Superintendent generally is appointed by the Bishop and serves a 4-year term and then returns to parish ministry in the church.

Bishops are elected by delegates to a special conference and once elected serve as Bishop for life until retired. Bishops do itinerate (move from place to place) about every 8 years on average from one regional geographic area (called a conference) to another.

Pastors also itinerate as needed, but a set schedule for individual church leadership does not exist, as each church situation is different and unique.